Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The workload has increased, but its not excessive
I was able to go to a salsa club and watch a salsa competition as well!
Also went to the beach for a day with some friends from Mexico, got burnt, but had a wonderful day flying kytes and swimming
This coming weekend I am off to a concert in Veracruz of a Mexican band-Cafe Tacvba, apparently the best one from Mexico -according to my music friends
also traveled to nearby towns, Coatapec and Hico, and explored the waterfalls
havent been sleeping well, probably due to the millions of bugbites from the beach
but doing great here in Mexico


Anonymous said...

Take care of that sunburn! In August, I got a sunburn & got some new stuff that really heals a sunburn. It's made from all natural things; no chemicals. It has shea butter, olive oil, goats milk & some other things in it. You can't get it at a regular store, but I think I may be able to find the lady's business card & get some more for us. This was the first time I didn't peel after a sunburn; and I kept the tan too. Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

You've had your blog how long? And your dad is just now telling me about it? Friends here in Asheville, NC went to Mexico recently but probably not close to you. She, Katie, is learning Spanish, and it was a service trip, not a vacation.
Glad you said I could pass your blog onto them - and I will.
Fly home to Asheville and then drive my car, with me, up to see your folks! When do you expect to be coming home? This is from your Great Aunt Ruth - who has just finished writing her family memoirs similar to your Grandmother Betty. Only mine is of pioneer days in Alberta, Canada.

Anonymous said...

it was great talkin to you this morning :) im sorry i was so out of it. it was a looooong day. i miss you and cant wait to see you in december!