Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hi again!
Things have been going swimmingly
I have no current sickness and have had the opportunity to practice the art of salsa
The only stresses in my life are having too many activities to choose from!
The class that intrigues me most these days is a class on US/Mexico relations. It is a class where I am the only American and I find myself explaining a lot about the US, but not always being sure about the accuracy about some of my statements. We discussed 9/11 a few weeks back and it was very interesting to hear about views of US security. I also shared about my pacifist views during that time.
Last night I went out for coffee with a good friend from Oaxaca and we chatted about machismo in the US and Mexico.
Catcalls and machismo in Mexico are probably my least favorite things about the country.
The dulcerias and food venders on every corner are some of my favorites.
There are millions of parks here in Xalapa as well as cafes and discos(now called anthros)
On Fridays I go to a elderly home with a friend from North Carolina. We just chat with the folks there and learn about their lives while also practicing our Spanish! We were able to accompany an ex police officer to the police academy for brunch, a place where we would normally never be able to enter.
This weekend we are off to the mountains for some ecotourism!
Well, I am off to my class of translation
Hasta luego


Ralph Detrick said...

Great to read another posting. Can you tell when folks post even if they don't leave a comment? Is there a counter system to tell?
You grandma spent the weekend at the cabin with some of her family. Marvin didn't go along and wasn't told she had gone. Joyce visited her dad yesterday while she was gone. We are going biking with Shell in Harrisburg this Saturday and eating at Passage to India.
Love ya, dad

Eli & Betty Smucker said...

Hola Sara Beth,
A class on US/Mexican relations...now that sounds interesting. Take lots of notes and lead a discussion around the holiday table. I look forward to hearing more. Hasta Luega, Betty